Graveyard Project Overview

  • All SCNA members will have a spot in the SCNA acquired Graveyard sites.
  • At the time of the burial, SCNA Graveyard leads will coordinate the burial arrangements
  • Once the families are done with the mourning period, and if the family head would like to, they can reimburse the cost of burial.

Program Details

  • SCNA has the following graveyard sites:

    • Elgin Cemetery (14 locations)
    • Rosehill Cemetery (15+32 locations)
    • Gurnee Cemetery (10 locations) *Planned
  • Each family head to pledge $3000 for 1 location

    • Cost includes:
      • Land
      • Liner*

Additional costs at the time of burial

  • Wash & Cleaning 
    • (Estimated $1500 & Transport)
  • Facility Usage (Mostly MCC)
    • $1500
  • Other Expenses

    • Wash & Cleaning

      • (Estimated $1500 & Transport)
    • Facility Usage (Mostly MCC)
      • $1500
  • PRICE IS $3000
    • ($1800 PRICE   LINER  $695  + MISC $505)
    • NO DEED
    • A letter confirming that they are pledged to SCNA from seller
    • As Needed – Prompt letter from existing owner